• 05Feb

    So a random thought popped in to my head while I was trying to fall asleep. Here it is…to communicate to anyone outside our immediate surroundings we used to write letters, then as technology evolved we used telephones to effectively communicate without writing anything down on paper. Then email came into the world and we started to use this as an effective, or non effective way, as some people may see it, of communicating. Most major companies adopted it as the way to communicate with one another, albeit unfortunate or fortunately however you deem fit, and a way to ensure a paper trail would be intact for future reference to information. Cellular phones with SMS capabilities (texting, in english, for you non-technophiles) entered the mainstream and we were all skeptical that this would take off as a form of communicating…we all thought how could texting replace the spoken word? Why would we use a phone to write errrrr… type to communicate to someone? It is a phone and its supposed to be used to talk, as in actually speak into it and say words to someone on the other end.  But we all know texting and emailing from our portable devices has become a way of our lives and we see it as a bit of the norm now. What I am trying to articulate is what happened to calling someone for a quick “hello” or “how are you?”

    Posted by mp @ 5:46 am

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